Theia Gabatan

Hello there, 

This is where I keep all of my photography and visual stuff. Consider this my digital scrapbook, or album!

Thanks for visiting, 

Theia :) 

Browse through my work: 

005 Date Uploaded: 11-02-2024Date Taken: 10-2023Location: London, ENGLAND 
Type: Film PhotographyCamera: Asahi Pentax K1000Film Stock: Kodak Gold 200 

These photos were taken towards the end of my trip and I was down to my last couple of rolls. I think these photos compared to my photos from Paris are so much better. I felt a lot more confident with my camera, the settings, and how to get the best out of it and I feel like it shows. These are all completely unedited, but I love them and feel like I really lucked out with the weather and lighting while going through this roll. Getting this roll developed really made me fall in love with Kodak Gold 200 as a film stock. So much so that I prefer it to all others. 

004 Date Uploaded: 3-02-2024Date Taken: 12-2023 to 01-2024 Location: Brisbane, AUSTRALIA 
Type: Film PhotographyCamera: Olympus Pen EE Half FrameFilm Stock: Portra 800

If you’ve ever had a half-frame camera you’ll know the struggle of going through a roll. This roll had been in my camera for months and I just never took it out, instead preferring to use my other cameras. For months this thing sat at 34 exposures (out of 72 exp) until I took it with me and decided to use the rest of it up in one day. I think the reason I always put off using this thing was because I hadn’t figured out the best way to use it – it’s not great at capturing detailed or high-quality photos, the lens isn’t great, and the only thing you can control is the ASA. As someone who likes to have a bit more control over settings, this is a challenge. One thing I did learn on this day is that it’s great at capturing high-contrast scenes of shadow and light. Win!

003 Date Uploaded:28-01-2024Date Taken: 12-2023 to 01-2024 Location: Brisbane, AUSTRALIA 
Type: Film PhotographyCamera: Mamiya C330 ProfessionalFilm Stock: Portra 400

These are the first photos I took on a Mamiya C330 Pro that I bought secondhand off eBay last year. I put in a roll of Portra 400 and took some random shots around the house, and the difference between this and my normal 35mm film cameras is wild. Medium format, due to the mechanics, the limited number of exposures, and sheer weight of the machinery, means that you have to be much slower and more intentional with each shot that you take. Even unedited the quality and resolution of the photos is incredible, and has such a different quality to my normal 35mm film.

002    Date Uploaded:27-01-2024Date Taken: 09>10-2023Location: Paris, FRANCE
Type: Film PhotographyCamera: Asahi Pentax K1000Film Stock: Kodak Ultramax 200 & Portra 400

These are some photos I took when I was in Paris last year. This was my first couple of days on the trip and I had taken 4 rolls of film with me and was hoping it’d last me the whole three weeks (spoiler: it did not). The architecture is magic, but I did almost get run over by manic Parisian cyclists more times than I care to admit.

Anyway, the fear of running out of film meant that for the first leg of my trip, I was super conservative and careful with my shots, and spent way too much time fiddling with my settings and framing every photo. I was so focused on making every exposure count and not wasting a single one that I ignored the number one rule of photography — to observe. It also meant that a lot of truly memorable vignettes and photos were taken on my phone rather than on film. 

I think that anxiety was very much reflected in the resulting photos — they lack a spontaneity and confidence that photos from later legs of the trip, and my photography since, have. As an added challenge, some of my trip was hampered by rain and overcast weather — which was completely out of my comfort zone, especially shooting on film — so a lot of the shots from this roll had horrible exposure and I just didn’t vibe with even though I might have loved the subject itself.

001    Date Uploaded:27-01-2024Date Taken: 10-2023Location: Zurich, SWITZERLAND
Type: Film PhotographyCamera: Asahi Pentax K1000Film Stock: Kodak Ultramax 200 

  I took these photos while on an eight hour layover in Zurich, en route to Florence. This roll was challenging because the weather switched between sunny to overcast to raining and back again. I was still relatively new to filming in complete manual mode, and I didn’t have a light meter, so I was convinced that none of these turned out good and that they were all blanks.